Research laboratory for studying 

Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Allostery

Madan Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, MUSC


Postdoctoral Scholars

Preeti Pandey (PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)                         Present Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Clemson University 

Rotation Students

Luke Schmitz, Masters' Student, Medical University of South Carolina (2023-24)

Zamantha Manalansan-Roberson, PREP student, Medical University of South Carolina (2023-2024)

Sarah Allen, Masters' Student, Medical University of South Carolina (2022-23)

Undergraduate Trainees

Paxton Williams, College of Charleston (Summer student 2023)

Kayla Anfinson, Clemson University (SURP student 2022)

Micheal Blackledge, Miami University (SURP student 2021)
